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Bridges To Life

P.O. Box 570895
Houston, TX 77257-0895 

Gay Van Osdall

Gay Van Osdall grew up in Bryan and is a BBA graduate of Texas A & M. After retiring from work in the insurance industry, she now devotes her time to church, Bridges To Life, and other volunteer opportunities. 


Gay and her husband John lost their daughter to a terrible crime in 2000. They later became involved in BTL as part of their own journey to healing, and as a way to make a positive impact on both the victim and offender sides. As part-time residents of North Carolina, Gay and John have introduced and currently facilitate the BTL program in two prisons in that state.


The Van Osdalls' son Carl works with restorative justice in Vermont, where he lives with his wife Gina and their three children.

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