Healing crime victims. Rehabilitating offenders.
Making our communities safer.
Helpful Books for Crime Victims
31 Years in the Desert, by Castanita Fitzpatrick (BTL Victim Volunteer)
Betrayed by Choices: A Family Story of Murder, Forgiveness, and Redemption, by Jim Buffington (BTL COO)
Eleven Regrets, by Mel Anderson (BTL Victim Volunteer)
Face to Face: Our Story of Crime, Repentance and Forgiveness, by Misty Wallace and Keith Blackburn, with Kirk Blackard
I Became: The Stories Within My Scars, by Mariah Lucas (BTL Victim Volunteer)
Murder by Family: The Incredible True Story of a Son's Treachery and a Father's Forgiveness, by Kent Whitaker (BTL Victim Volunteer)
Nurturing Peace: How Families Can Help Incarcerated Loved Ones Change Their Lives, by Kirk Blackard
Restoring Peace: Using Lessons From Prison to Mend Broken Relationships, by Kirk Blackard
Rethinking Forgiveness: Getting Ahead Instead of Getting Even, by Michael O'Shields
Shattered Silence: The Untold Story of a Serial Killer's Daughter, by Melissa G. Moore
Snake in the Grass: A Memoir, by Rhonda Hunnel (BTL Victim Volunteer)
The Little Book of Restorative Justice, by Howard Zehr
There is a Balm in Huntsville, by T. Carlos Anderson
When I Lay My Isaac Down: Unshakable Faith in Unthinkable Circumstances, by Carol Kent
When Miracles Began: Psalms 25, by Lawrence E. Hodges
Where the River Bends: Considering Forgiveness in the Lives of Prisoners, by Michael T. McRay
Why Forgive?, by Johann Christoph Arnold