Healing crime victims. Rehabilitating offenders.
Making our communities safer.
P.O. Box 3021
Grapevine, TX 76099-3021
Charles Fisher
Units: Allred, Bridgeport, C. Moore, Cole, Lindsey, Salvation Army ARC-Fort Worth
Charles is Bridges To Life's first Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Coordinator. Earlier in his life, Charles spent several years lost in the world of drugs and alcohol, eventuating in his incarceration. While serving his sentence, he participated in the Bridges To Life program. Charles applied the principles he learned in BTL to create a successful life after his release.
Charles began volunteering for BTL in 2015, and in 2017 became BTL’s first staff member who is also a BTL graduate! Charles is an ordained minister and a founding member of Life on the Rock International, a ministry devoted to taking the Gospel to those behind bars.
Charles’ wife Nicole is an active BTL volunteer, and the couple enjoys their furry four-legged children, Molly and Wall-E.